How I now (2014) create a Reiki system & make public etc.... Make the following written notes: SYSTEM NAME IS:____________________________ THIS SYSTEM (enables me to.........../results in.........../creates & sends an orb .........../engulfs myself or recipient in.........../instantly creates, Reiki fills & sends an orb to........... etc....). Mentally state just once "(i.e. system name to activate)" when needed. For distance healings, mentally state just once "(i.e. system name) for (recipient)". Then when your ready, relax & get comfy. Mentally or aloud state the following: "I am now attuned to (SYSTEM NAME)". Then go through, mentally your written notes, about what system does & how it's activated. Then just relax until you feel the attunement has ended. Have a break before testing system yourself. Then when your ready, relax & mentally or aloud state just once, "I ask that all those that request it in my name be attuned to (SYSTEM NAME). In it's entirety, at their convenience & to the strongest energies that they can handle. So be it". THAT'S IT FOR CREATING A SYSTEM & SETTING UP THE DISTANCE ATTUNEMENT. NOW YOU JUST NEED TO OFFER FOR FREE/SELL REIKI SYSTEM ONLINE. -- EXAMPLE OF ABOVE - From one of my systems which was setup as above: (I mentally stated just once): "I am now attuned to Unicorn Connection. This system enables me to become permanently linked & connected to the Unicorn's healing vibrational frequencies & energies. Enable me to channel these energies, via my hands on a constant life long basis. While doing any healings or other energy work, just mentally state once "Unicorn"". (Then I had a break & tested system, before setting up the distance attunement). (I mentally stated just once): "I ask that all those that request it in my name be attuned to Unicorn Connection. In it's entirety, at their convenience & to the strongest energies that they can handle. So be it". -- Ways to offer for FREE/SELL online your new Reiki system: Once you've done above & wish to offer for FREE/SELL Reiki systems online, you can do this by: If you have your own website or domain: Simply upload manual to appropriate folder in your cPanel's file manager. Update your websites HTML coding to add in extra content. Add in any i.e Paypal's Buy It Now button HTML code. If you don't yet have a website: If you want a simple website - Go to i.e. Sign up & start creating your website. If you don't have a website & don't want one: Visit: I will upload any received files to my site. I will put in your contact details, so that you get the feedback. Or you can get accounts with: - To upload files. - To self publish books. If you are a member of any Reiki based Yahoo or Google Groups: You can upload your manual to most of these groups. THE ABOVE GIVES YOU A FEW IDEAS