Scorpio Facts:
I'm a Scorpio, born on the 13th November.
Scorpio's are often misunderstood & feared, therefore I hope this page helps you understand us more.
One REALLY important thing to note: DON'T EVER p**s off a Scorpio - Unless you want to be 'dead' to them. 'Dead' as in 'dead in our heads/non-existent' or 'completely cut out of our lives'. It's the one sign you REALLY don't want to get in a fight with or on the bad side of.
A Scorpio has the temper & rage of a Klingon, with the calm exterior of a Vulcan. (Source: Me, I'm a Trekkie)
How we are with you, (calm or angry), depends on YOU & how YOU treat us. We are NEVER angry for no reason. If were angry/moody etc with you, it's something YOU'VE done. Friend or Foe - It's up to YOU to decide.
We are the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac & we are (sadly) regularly taken advantage of by others. Our lives are often 'pure hell'. We go through an awful lot of crap in our lives. Everything with us is intensified, the good & bad. Little annoyances to you (other Zodiac signs), are pure hell & torture for us. Get on our good side & you'll have a loyal friend for life. However 'screw with us' even once & you'll see our bad side. You won't like us when were angry!!!!
Be loyal, treat us with love, respect, and selflessness and we will be completely devoted to you.
You may be able to deceive a Scorpio for a short time, but Scorpio people are adept at seeing into the heart of any matter. When a Scorpio senses your dishonesty, you may as well be dead to them. A Scorpio appreciates people who are authentic and honest. Betrayal will be answered with an unrivaled thirst for revenge. There's a reason the symbol for this sign is the scorpion.
Give them 100 percent and they will return it with interest! For example, let's say your Scorpio friend is standing next to a mutual friend. You can hug that person quickly, but when you hug the Scorpio, hold them and squeeze them with great warmth. Scorpios are sensitive to the smallest gestures and will appreciate them even if they don't seem to show it.
Trust is a huge issue for us. We may put you through 'trust tests', to see if you can be trusted. As we find it very hard to trust anyone. We may only have 1 or 2 really close mates. Scorpio's observe A LOT & we analyze EVERYTHING all the time. We may look calm/in-different etc..., but we see, notice & remember EVERYTHING. Our brains NEVER shut off. We are 'working others out'. Can you be trusted? Are you being dishonest? Are you being fake? Etc..... We CAN tell. We know how the 'human mind' works in a way that no other signs do. Scorpio's have great gut instincts, it NEVER fails us. Scorpio's are often referred to as 'human lie detectors' as we can instantly tell when someone is telling a 'porkie'. We find it hard to verbalize our intense emotions etc...
Scorpio's tell things 'as it is', we HATE bullshitters. We REALLY hate it when we see that trait in others. We can go from calm/nice/sweet to crazed maniac type within seconds. We can after all see right through anyone. We need honesty, not lies. Lies are seen as betrayal/being hurt. You DO NOT want to hurt a Scorpio, especially the women. We will, most likely, never trust someone who has lied ever again.
Since birth Scorpio's are deeply connected to Spirit. We therefore may see/hear/be aware of things that others just don't. Often were into the occult & the paranormal. We like dark colours & quite often prefer being in a dark room. We are very intuitive. We may look calm/cool etc, but there is so much going on under the surface that others will never be aware of.
We are intensely private & secretive. Some things we'll go to the grave with. We also CRAVE/NEED our 'alone time'. Time away from others, time to de-stress etc... This time alone could range from hours to months. We are not particularly sociable. In crowds of people we would be on the outside, quietly observing everything going on.
As everything with us is intensified & remembered, we do remain angry over something that you may have forgotten about. But for us it's still very much raw in our minds. The Scorpion having the sting in the tail is defiantly us, we WILL STING YOU if you get us mad. We REALLY are patient in that we can get repeatedly angered & not act on it. Then something will just make us explode 'like a volcano'. We would bring up ALL past wrongs in the ensuing argument.
Most of the other Zodiac signs just can't seem to work us out, Libras & Aquariuses especially in my case. Scorpio's & Pisces though are a great combo. Pisces can 'figure us out' quite easily. Scorpio's love researching/making notes etc.... Scorpio is the only sign that has multiple animals relating to it. Such as the: Scorpion/Wolf/Lizard/Eagle/Dove/Phoenix. Scorpio's are therefore constantly transforming.
The tarot card associated with Scorpio's is the 'Death' card. That ties in with the fact that we are constantly transforming, death & re-birth are a common 'thing' with us. As it also coincides with our final phase, as the Phoenix which is all about death & re-birth.
We have the 'Scorpio Stare/Gaze'. It's a trance like state even for us at times, sometimes were not really aware of it ourselves. At that moment, nothing else is going on in our world. We are listening with our entire being.
1) Don't lie or b******t, especially about us, even over little things. Remember, we CAN instantly tell when your lying.
2) Don't automatically blame us for any cock-ups/your mistakes etc....
3) Allow us our 'Alone Time', as much as we need to stay sane etc... It's essential.
4) Don't order us around - Ask, DON'T order.
5) Watch out for our sting - You could end up 'dead in our heads' or completely cut out of our lives.
6) Don't put us down in any way.
7) Research the Scorpio sign a bit.
8) When were i.e. de-stressing/having our 'Alone Time' - Don't disturb us.
9) (Ties in with #7) Find out what 'pushes our buttons', then just quit setting us off.
10) Understand that Scorpio is the most complex of signs & requires more work in regards to developing an easy relationship.
I'm a Scorpio, born on the 13th November.
Scorpio's are often misunderstood & feared, therefore I hope this page helps you understand us more.
One REALLY important thing to note: DON'T EVER p**s off a Scorpio - Unless you want to be 'dead' to them. 'Dead' as in 'dead in our heads/non-existent' or 'completely cut out of our lives'. It's the one sign you REALLY don't want to get in a fight with or on the bad side of.
A Scorpio has the temper & rage of a Klingon, with the calm exterior of a Vulcan. (Source: Me, I'm a Trekkie)
How we are with you, (calm or angry), depends on YOU & how YOU treat us. We are NEVER angry for no reason. If were angry/moody etc with you, it's something YOU'VE done. Friend or Foe - It's up to YOU to decide.
We are the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac & we are (sadly) regularly taken advantage of by others. Our lives are often 'pure hell'. We go through an awful lot of crap in our lives. Everything with us is intensified, the good & bad. Little annoyances to you (other Zodiac signs), are pure hell & torture for us. Get on our good side & you'll have a loyal friend for life. However 'screw with us' even once & you'll see our bad side. You won't like us when were angry!!!!
Be loyal, treat us with love, respect, and selflessness and we will be completely devoted to you.
You may be able to deceive a Scorpio for a short time, but Scorpio people are adept at seeing into the heart of any matter. When a Scorpio senses your dishonesty, you may as well be dead to them. A Scorpio appreciates people who are authentic and honest. Betrayal will be answered with an unrivaled thirst for revenge. There's a reason the symbol for this sign is the scorpion.
Give them 100 percent and they will return it with interest! For example, let's say your Scorpio friend is standing next to a mutual friend. You can hug that person quickly, but when you hug the Scorpio, hold them and squeeze them with great warmth. Scorpios are sensitive to the smallest gestures and will appreciate them even if they don't seem to show it.
Trust is a huge issue for us. We may put you through 'trust tests', to see if you can be trusted. As we find it very hard to trust anyone. We may only have 1 or 2 really close mates. Scorpio's observe A LOT & we analyze EVERYTHING all the time. We may look calm/in-different etc..., but we see, notice & remember EVERYTHING. Our brains NEVER shut off. We are 'working others out'. Can you be trusted? Are you being dishonest? Are you being fake? Etc..... We CAN tell. We know how the 'human mind' works in a way that no other signs do. Scorpio's have great gut instincts, it NEVER fails us. Scorpio's are often referred to as 'human lie detectors' as we can instantly tell when someone is telling a 'porkie'. We find it hard to verbalize our intense emotions etc...
Scorpio's tell things 'as it is', we HATE bullshitters. We REALLY hate it when we see that trait in others. We can go from calm/nice/sweet to crazed maniac type within seconds. We can after all see right through anyone. We need honesty, not lies. Lies are seen as betrayal/being hurt. You DO NOT want to hurt a Scorpio, especially the women. We will, most likely, never trust someone who has lied ever again.
Since birth Scorpio's are deeply connected to Spirit. We therefore may see/hear/be aware of things that others just don't. Often were into the occult & the paranormal. We like dark colours & quite often prefer being in a dark room. We are very intuitive. We may look calm/cool etc, but there is so much going on under the surface that others will never be aware of.
We are intensely private & secretive. Some things we'll go to the grave with. We also CRAVE/NEED our 'alone time'. Time away from others, time to de-stress etc... This time alone could range from hours to months. We are not particularly sociable. In crowds of people we would be on the outside, quietly observing everything going on.
As everything with us is intensified & remembered, we do remain angry over something that you may have forgotten about. But for us it's still very much raw in our minds. The Scorpion having the sting in the tail is defiantly us, we WILL STING YOU if you get us mad. We REALLY are patient in that we can get repeatedly angered & not act on it. Then something will just make us explode 'like a volcano'. We would bring up ALL past wrongs in the ensuing argument.
Most of the other Zodiac signs just can't seem to work us out, Libras & Aquariuses especially in my case. Scorpio's & Pisces though are a great combo. Pisces can 'figure us out' quite easily. Scorpio's love researching/making notes etc.... Scorpio is the only sign that has multiple animals relating to it. Such as the: Scorpion/Wolf/Lizard/Eagle/Dove/Phoenix. Scorpio's are therefore constantly transforming.
The tarot card associated with Scorpio's is the 'Death' card. That ties in with the fact that we are constantly transforming, death & re-birth are a common 'thing' with us. As it also coincides with our final phase, as the Phoenix which is all about death & re-birth.
We have the 'Scorpio Stare/Gaze'. It's a trance like state even for us at times, sometimes were not really aware of it ourselves. At that moment, nothing else is going on in our world. We are listening with our entire being.
1) Don't lie or b******t, especially about us, even over little things. Remember, we CAN instantly tell when your lying.
2) Don't automatically blame us for any cock-ups/your mistakes etc....
3) Allow us our 'Alone Time', as much as we need to stay sane etc... It's essential.
4) Don't order us around - Ask, DON'T order.
5) Watch out for our sting - You could end up 'dead in our heads' or completely cut out of our lives.
6) Don't put us down in any way.
7) Research the Scorpio sign a bit.
8) When were i.e. de-stressing/having our 'Alone Time' - Don't disturb us.
9) (Ties in with #7) Find out what 'pushes our buttons', then just quit setting us off.
10) Understand that Scorpio is the most complex of signs & requires more work in regards to developing an easy relationship.
Compatibility - Found through Internet Research:
The most compatible Mother for Scorpio is Scorpio/Virgo. My Mum was an Aquarius.
Aquarius + Scorpio=Brutal fireworks at times
The most compatible Father for Scorpio is Pisces/Cancer. My Dad (died August 2016) & Brother are both Libras.
My bestest ever life-long mate is a Sagittarius.
My big sister is a Pisces.
The most compatible Mother for Scorpio is Scorpio/Virgo. My Mum was an Aquarius.
Aquarius + Scorpio=Brutal fireworks at times
The most compatible Father for Scorpio is Pisces/Cancer. My Dad (died August 2016) & Brother are both Libras.
My bestest ever life-long mate is a Sagittarius.
My big sister is a Pisces.
Visit: - For further info about us Scorpio's when were angry.
These children need gentle understanding to bring out their finer qualities. It's not easy for them to say what is going on in their minds - their feelings can have such an intensity they may need encouragement to fully express them. They dislike looking vulnerable, so at times of uncertainty may withdraw from people, or mask any inner turmoil with an outer veneer of calm.
These are children who have very definite likes and dislikes - no half-measures here! They are quite resistant to being told what to do (see #4 in above section), much preferring to follow their own dictates in their own time. The trick 'with a Scorpio child' is to gain the respect and esteem of these little ones, and they will respond accordingly - when they feel secure and content no child could be more delightful or charming.
(1) You typically hate asking for help because you see it as a sign of weakness. You like to be the boss of your own life and live by the motto, “if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.”
(2) Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned. You are the master of revenge. Now, to you revenge isn’t always a heinous act, most times it’s just proving to a person that you were better off without them.
(3) You are brutally honest. It annoys you when people ask you for your honest opinion, and then they get offended when you actually give them your honest opinion.
(4) When you love, you love fiercely. For you, falling in love means having to let your impenetrable guard down, and that’s one of Scorpios’ biggest fears. You choose very carefully who you allow into your heart, so when you do fall in love, it’s a pretty big deal, and you’ll love and cherish your partner with everything you have. Lucky guy/girl!
(5) You make people work hard for your trust because you are weary of trusting ANYONE. The only person you fully trust is yourself, and you trust your own instincts more than anything.
(6) You can appear to be calm one second, but when someone pushes your buttons, you’ll explode like a volcano. When you get angry, you let out feelings you’ve kept inside for quite some time – it can get REALLY ugly.
(7) The worst things someone can do when you are angry is repeatedly ask questions, pester you, or pry in your business. Actually, these things still annoy you even when you aren’t angry. Your business is your business, and when you want to share something, you will on your own terms.
(8) You are the perfect combination of introverted and extroverted. At times, you may seem quiet, internally aware, and intense. You find it exhausting to be “on” all the time. However, when you’re in the mood, you can be the absolute life of the party! It all depends on how you’re feeling in that moment, because Scorpios are very “feeling” individuals.
(9) You are very protective and loyal to a fault. You couldn’t care less what others think or say about you, but when someone messes with your friends etc.., all hell will break loose.
(10) You REALLY do HATE small talk. You’d rather not talk at all. You like to get straight to the point and prefer deep and meaningful discussions as opposed to idle gossip.
(11) You are a freak in the sheets. You simply ooze sexuality and sex appeal with everything you do! Scorpio is, after all, the most passionate and sexual sign of the Zodiac. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll just give it up to anyone. You are a prize to be won.
(12) You can be very jealous and possessive in relationships, but you hide it so well. Again, this has to do with your protective and loyal nature. The only reason you get jealous is because you care so much and love so hard. You don’t like to share what you consider to be rightfully yours.
(13) You are extremely perceptive and can pick up on peoples’ emotions very easily – often times even without verbal communication. You feel what other people are feeling, which isn’t always a good thing.
(14) You have a built-in lie detector. Nothing annoys you more than lies/liars. We CAN INSTANTLY tell when others are b**********g, although sometimes we'll just watch to see how far you'll take it.
(15) You are passionate, driven, and dedicated. You dream big and you will do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Giving up is never an option!
(16) You have the tendency to take everything to the extreme – the good and the bad. It can be very hard for you compromise. You don’t like to half-ass anything and there is no “in-between.”
(17) You understand and accept the darker side of life, and you have an innate desire to find the answers to life’s deepest and darkest mysteries.
These children need gentle understanding to bring out their finer qualities. It's not easy for them to say what is going on in their minds - their feelings can have such an intensity they may need encouragement to fully express them. They dislike looking vulnerable, so at times of uncertainty may withdraw from people, or mask any inner turmoil with an outer veneer of calm.
These are children who have very definite likes and dislikes - no half-measures here! They are quite resistant to being told what to do (see #4 in above section), much preferring to follow their own dictates in their own time. The trick 'with a Scorpio child' is to gain the respect and esteem of these little ones, and they will respond accordingly - when they feel secure and content no child could be more delightful or charming.
(1) You typically hate asking for help because you see it as a sign of weakness. You like to be the boss of your own life and live by the motto, “if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.”
(2) Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned. You are the master of revenge. Now, to you revenge isn’t always a heinous act, most times it’s just proving to a person that you were better off without them.
(3) You are brutally honest. It annoys you when people ask you for your honest opinion, and then they get offended when you actually give them your honest opinion.
(4) When you love, you love fiercely. For you, falling in love means having to let your impenetrable guard down, and that’s one of Scorpios’ biggest fears. You choose very carefully who you allow into your heart, so when you do fall in love, it’s a pretty big deal, and you’ll love and cherish your partner with everything you have. Lucky guy/girl!
(5) You make people work hard for your trust because you are weary of trusting ANYONE. The only person you fully trust is yourself, and you trust your own instincts more than anything.
(6) You can appear to be calm one second, but when someone pushes your buttons, you’ll explode like a volcano. When you get angry, you let out feelings you’ve kept inside for quite some time – it can get REALLY ugly.
(7) The worst things someone can do when you are angry is repeatedly ask questions, pester you, or pry in your business. Actually, these things still annoy you even when you aren’t angry. Your business is your business, and when you want to share something, you will on your own terms.
(8) You are the perfect combination of introverted and extroverted. At times, you may seem quiet, internally aware, and intense. You find it exhausting to be “on” all the time. However, when you’re in the mood, you can be the absolute life of the party! It all depends on how you’re feeling in that moment, because Scorpios are very “feeling” individuals.
(9) You are very protective and loyal to a fault. You couldn’t care less what others think or say about you, but when someone messes with your friends etc.., all hell will break loose.
(10) You REALLY do HATE small talk. You’d rather not talk at all. You like to get straight to the point and prefer deep and meaningful discussions as opposed to idle gossip.
(11) You are a freak in the sheets. You simply ooze sexuality and sex appeal with everything you do! Scorpio is, after all, the most passionate and sexual sign of the Zodiac. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll just give it up to anyone. You are a prize to be won.
(12) You can be very jealous and possessive in relationships, but you hide it so well. Again, this has to do with your protective and loyal nature. The only reason you get jealous is because you care so much and love so hard. You don’t like to share what you consider to be rightfully yours.
(13) You are extremely perceptive and can pick up on peoples’ emotions very easily – often times even without verbal communication. You feel what other people are feeling, which isn’t always a good thing.
(14) You have a built-in lie detector. Nothing annoys you more than lies/liars. We CAN INSTANTLY tell when others are b**********g, although sometimes we'll just watch to see how far you'll take it.
(15) You are passionate, driven, and dedicated. You dream big and you will do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Giving up is never an option!
(16) You have the tendency to take everything to the extreme – the good and the bad. It can be very hard for you compromise. You don’t like to half-ass anything and there is no “in-between.”
(17) You understand and accept the darker side of life, and you have an innate desire to find the answers to life’s deepest and darkest mysteries.
Images found online - via i.e. Google Image Search
The Scorpio female:
1) Is known for being the sexiest & most mysterious of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
2) Should NEVER be taken lightly.
3) The phrase "Hell hath no fury like a women scorned" is VERY apt with us.
4) Apparently stands out from the crowd in a BIG way.
5) Is fearless.
6) Is driven to succeed & will NEVER give up.
7) Is exotic & magnetic.
8) Can either be your 'bestest, most loyal friend' or your 'worst enemy'. Though that all depends on how YOU are with us.
9) NEVER forgets a wrong.
10) NEVER forgets a good deed, & WILL repay it constantly.
11) Like the Scorpio males, have an ability to rejuvenate quite quickly from illnesses.
12) Is very emotional, spiritual & insightful.
13) Is secretive, intense, aloof, calm, sexy & magnetic.
14) Tends to be a loner.
15) Prefers the one-on-one type relationships.
16) Prefers to be a listener as apposed to divulging all about what's going on in our lives to others.
17) Is an introvert.
18) Has a 'brutal' temper which doesn't take much to 'set off'.
19) Can hold a grudge for years.
20) Can to various degrees be a tomboy. I'm a total 100% tomboy, always have been.
1) Is known for being the sexiest & most mysterious of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
2) Should NEVER be taken lightly.
3) The phrase "Hell hath no fury like a women scorned" is VERY apt with us.
4) Apparently stands out from the crowd in a BIG way.
5) Is fearless.
6) Is driven to succeed & will NEVER give up.
7) Is exotic & magnetic.
8) Can either be your 'bestest, most loyal friend' or your 'worst enemy'. Though that all depends on how YOU are with us.
9) NEVER forgets a wrong.
10) NEVER forgets a good deed, & WILL repay it constantly.
11) Like the Scorpio males, have an ability to rejuvenate quite quickly from illnesses.
12) Is very emotional, spiritual & insightful.
13) Is secretive, intense, aloof, calm, sexy & magnetic.
14) Tends to be a loner.
15) Prefers the one-on-one type relationships.
16) Prefers to be a listener as apposed to divulging all about what's going on in our lives to others.
17) Is an introvert.
18) Has a 'brutal' temper which doesn't take much to 'set off'.
19) Can hold a grudge for years.
20) Can to various degrees be a tomboy. I'm a total 100% tomboy, always have been.
Those of us born on the 13th November tend to:
1) Hold our pain inside. We bottle things up. Our pain is so intense & we may struggle to verbalize it all to others.
2) To have extra helpings of power. Great unless you constantly get sucked dry by *Energy/Emotional Vampire types.
* Everyone knows at least 1 Energy/Emotional Vampire. These people drain you dry of your life force, they WON'T tap into their own energy for revitalization. This leaves you feeling stressed out/angry/depressed/unfocused/exhausted/tense/ill etc.... You hate having to spend any time with them as a result. The best thing you can do is avoid them as much as possible. Cut them out of your lives entirely, if possible. They always find ways to continually provoke your angst. They offer no empathy to you. You suffer more insomnia after any encounters with them. Some know what there doing, others dont. If they do ever recognize what they've been doing, they can change their draining behavior simply by taking a regular walk in nature or starting a spiritual practice, i.e. meditating etc...
3) Worry a lot.
4) Be emotionally scarred for life.
5) Be spiritual as opposed to religious.
6) Be very lucky, despite the 13. I'm definitely NOT lucky though.
7) Be very sensitive & caring.
8) Be sensitive to causes that affect you emotionally, you'll dedicate yourself to making a difference.
9) Be unmatched in our compassion.
10) Make sacrifices in order to help others.
11) Find it hard asking for help ourselves.
12) Be strong willed. Can be a good & bad thing.
13) Find it hard to make friends. When we do it's not as simple as with other Zodiac signs.
14) Take our health seriously.
15) Believe that mind & body work as one.
16) Be insecure about the future.
17) Be very loyal to our friends.
18) Do things our way.
19) Perfectly suited to being on our own.
20) Get really dangerous when hurt/betrayed/lied about etc...
1) Hold our pain inside. We bottle things up. Our pain is so intense & we may struggle to verbalize it all to others.
2) To have extra helpings of power. Great unless you constantly get sucked dry by *Energy/Emotional Vampire types.
* Everyone knows at least 1 Energy/Emotional Vampire. These people drain you dry of your life force, they WON'T tap into their own energy for revitalization. This leaves you feeling stressed out/angry/depressed/unfocused/exhausted/tense/ill etc.... You hate having to spend any time with them as a result. The best thing you can do is avoid them as much as possible. Cut them out of your lives entirely, if possible. They always find ways to continually provoke your angst. They offer no empathy to you. You suffer more insomnia after any encounters with them. Some know what there doing, others dont. If they do ever recognize what they've been doing, they can change their draining behavior simply by taking a regular walk in nature or starting a spiritual practice, i.e. meditating etc...
3) Worry a lot.
4) Be emotionally scarred for life.
5) Be spiritual as opposed to religious.
6) Be very lucky, despite the 13. I'm definitely NOT lucky though.
7) Be very sensitive & caring.
8) Be sensitive to causes that affect you emotionally, you'll dedicate yourself to making a difference.
9) Be unmatched in our compassion.
10) Make sacrifices in order to help others.
11) Find it hard asking for help ourselves.
12) Be strong willed. Can be a good & bad thing.
13) Find it hard to make friends. When we do it's not as simple as with other Zodiac signs.
14) Take our health seriously.
15) Believe that mind & body work as one.
16) Be insecure about the future.
17) Be very loyal to our friends.
18) Do things our way.
19) Perfectly suited to being on our own.
20) Get really dangerous when hurt/betrayed/lied about etc...
You are wise beyond your years, and your eyes reflect this wisdom. The outward expression of your personality is strong and determined, although this hides a very emotional and sensitive nature. Success may come later in life, simply because in youth, you are inclined to more daydreaming than action. You may come across as sarcastic and even tough, but you are a thoughtful and kind person with a love of knowledge, justice, and truth.
Wise – Thoughtful – Just
Wise – Thoughtful – Just
Sun Conjunct Unukalhai
This fixed star has a Saturn/Mars influence, and indicates a great deal of craftiness. If this wisdom and cunning are used constructively, you can be a great healer. Through your troubles in life, you come out stronger. If used negatively, for personal gain, this can be an indication of corruption. An example of the negative manifestation is Charles Manson.
This fixed star has a Saturn/Mars influence, and indicates a great deal of craftiness. If this wisdom and cunning are used constructively, you can be a great healer. Through your troubles in life, you come out stronger. If used negatively, for personal gain, this can be an indication of corruption. An example of the negative manifestation is Charles Manson.
Also born on the 13th November:
Gerard Butler 13-11-69
Jimmy Kimmel 13-11-67
St. Augustine 13-11-0354
Whoopi Goldberg 13-11-55
Robert Louis Stevenson 13-11-1850
Neil Flynn 13-11-60
Joe Mantegna 13-11-47
Infamous/Famous 'bad/evil' Scorpio's:
Charles Manson (12th November 1934)
Jimmy Savile (31st October 1926 - 29th October 2011)
Soapy Smith (2nd November 1860 - 8th July 1898)
Reginald Kray (24th October 1933 - 1st October 2000)
Jimmy Kimmel 13-11-67
St. Augustine 13-11-0354
Whoopi Goldberg 13-11-55
Robert Louis Stevenson 13-11-1850
Neil Flynn 13-11-60
Joe Mantegna 13-11-47
Infamous/Famous 'bad/evil' Scorpio's:
Charles Manson (12th November 1934)
Jimmy Savile (31st October 1926 - 29th October 2011)
Soapy Smith (2nd November 1860 - 8th July 1898)
Reginald Kray (24th October 1933 - 1st October 2000)
"The Tale of the Frog and the Scorpion"
In the story, a frog and a scorpion are sitting at the side of a river.
The scorpion asks the frog if he can ride piggyback to cross the river since the frog can swim and he cannot. The scorpion promises to not sting the frog when the reptile at first appears hesitant to do so for obvious reasons. However, with insistence from the scorpion that he will be safe, the frog decides to trust him and they both head out to cross the river together.
Halfway across though, the scorpion, who gets fearful of drowning, suddenly stings the frog causing them both to begin their descent into a watery grave.
The frog shouts, "Why did you sting me when you promised you wouldn't? Now both of us are doomed!" The scorpion, with his last gulp of air, states quietly, "I could not help myself. It is my nature."
The moral to the story suggests that when swimming with a scorpion, one needs to be aware that their self defensive tendency can at times cause collateral damage.
In the story, a frog and a scorpion are sitting at the side of a river.
The scorpion asks the frog if he can ride piggyback to cross the river since the frog can swim and he cannot. The scorpion promises to not sting the frog when the reptile at first appears hesitant to do so for obvious reasons. However, with insistence from the scorpion that he will be safe, the frog decides to trust him and they both head out to cross the river together.
Halfway across though, the scorpion, who gets fearful of drowning, suddenly stings the frog causing them both to begin their descent into a watery grave.
The frog shouts, "Why did you sting me when you promised you wouldn't? Now both of us are doomed!" The scorpion, with his last gulp of air, states quietly, "I could not help myself. It is my nature."
The moral to the story suggests that when swimming with a scorpion, one needs to be aware that their self defensive tendency can at times cause collateral damage.
At its worst Scorpio is like Lucifer, at its best a genius.
All children need to be loved, but Scorpio children need to be loved at a deep personal connected level. The worst thing you can do to a Scorpio child is to ignore them. They feel emotionally abandoned and never really learn to trust anyone again. You absolutely must make sure that your Scorpio child knows that you love them.
They are high maintenance children until they are convinced they are loved unconditionally; then they become extremely self-reliant.
Hug them with strength. Love them with your entire being.
Scorpios only become secretive as a way of self-protection.
Scorpios are known for having problems with drugs and alcohol. They often need to escape the cruel realities of life. The real world seldom meets their deep spiritual needs for true sharing and connection.
Adult Scorpios raised to use their gifts and powers in a positive constructive manner are among some of the most amazing people. They give so much back to the world once they know that they are deeply connected to it. They will give their last dollar to a stranger in need because sharing is what they do best.
Scorpio has a tendency to lean towards the healing arts as they are known as a natural born healer, you have the ability to diagnose and to see beneath the surface of things. The best crystal for you to use for healing purposes is Charoite, as it tends to enhance your perception and to ground you. It also tends to encourage emotional healing for yourself and others.
The young Scorpio soul will experience drama, despair and imprisonment during the course of its life.
Scorpio THE SCORPION is the sign of the investigator.
All children need to be loved, but Scorpio children need to be loved at a deep personal connected level. The worst thing you can do to a Scorpio child is to ignore them. They feel emotionally abandoned and never really learn to trust anyone again. You absolutely must make sure that your Scorpio child knows that you love them.
They are high maintenance children until they are convinced they are loved unconditionally; then they become extremely self-reliant.
Hug them with strength. Love them with your entire being.
Scorpios only become secretive as a way of self-protection.
Scorpios are known for having problems with drugs and alcohol. They often need to escape the cruel realities of life. The real world seldom meets their deep spiritual needs for true sharing and connection.
Adult Scorpios raised to use their gifts and powers in a positive constructive manner are among some of the most amazing people. They give so much back to the world once they know that they are deeply connected to it. They will give their last dollar to a stranger in need because sharing is what they do best.
Scorpio has a tendency to lean towards the healing arts as they are known as a natural born healer, you have the ability to diagnose and to see beneath the surface of things. The best crystal for you to use for healing purposes is Charoite, as it tends to enhance your perception and to ground you. It also tends to encourage emotional healing for yourself and others.
The young Scorpio soul will experience drama, despair and imprisonment during the course of its life.
Scorpio THE SCORPION is the sign of the investigator.